Shit... Sorry Kev

I'm going to quit pretending this is for anyone other than Kevin.  The blog fizzled out for the last half of the semester.  There were many afternoons of plaque decorating and ornament making.  I organized the supply closet and organized the leftover monsters from the monster show.  Then moved them and organized them once more.  I loaded and unloaded kilns, and we put up The Friends and Family show, where one of my monoprints is being displayed!  I helped do hair for girl's rock camp the night they had their show, I crimped hair and one poor girl's ear.  After rock camp I was mostly organizing for the ZACC.  Last Friday I helped host the Holiday Open House, I worked the ornament decorating table and showed people how to glaze and helped with any questions! The kids were horrible and I never want to work with children.  It was a great semester with the ZACC and if I find myself in Missoula again I will continue volunteering!
